Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Coffee Table NO MORE

Around our casa, we could always use more seating and after finding this small & not-so-cute coffee table on craigslist, I decided it would make a perfect bench.



Using 2" dense foam, I cut a piece to fit. Foam cuts easily with an electric knife....so does angel food cake :) Yummy.

I then painted the legs and upper frame a soft creamy white. What a difference a little spray paint makes. I cut one large rectangle 1" wider and 1" longer than the foam to allow for 1/2" seams. Two long sides & two short sides were also cut. Then using bias strips and cotton cording, I made the piping.

The prepared piping was tacked on.

Then the right sides of the cushion cover were pinned and sewn together.

Ahhhhh....ugly NO MORE!

The Amy Butler print behind the bench is part of a "skirt" I made to go around my cutting/sewing table. It successfully hides all of the junk I have stashed under there.....fabric remnants, patterns, tools, books and my sewing machine. I even had enough extra to recover my nasty old ironing board.

I want to thank by new blog friend, Jayna, for inspiring these projects!

Check out her fun blog here:
